Village Voices is the online showcase of creativity by the members and volunteers of The Village Common of Rhode Island. We welcome submissions in all media: 2- and 3-dimensional art, creative writing, transformative ideas, crafting, and art collections. As important is the personal story that accompanies each submission.
The new project Village Voices is an online showcase
for creativity within The Village Common.
Enter the Gallery here.Have you been, or are you now, a painter, photographer, or printmaker, a fiber artist or knitter, a sculptor in wood, clay or stone? Do you write creatively or compose music? Are you a flower arranger? Do you own an art or craft object that carries a story? Has an artwork, or a tree, ever left an indelible impression on you?
We want to hear from you now.Our editors will help you tell your story and show your art.
Be heard. Be seen. Be known.